Laser Hair Removal Vs. Waxing- Which one Works for you!

The season of the underarm, leg and bikini line has finally descended upon us.  So, are you ready to flaunt your beautiful well-toned body? But, wait, does the unwanted hair prevent you from doing so? Fret not now with beautylaser hair removal devices like EvenSkyn Pulsar: At Home IPl Laser Hair Removal Handset, you will get hair-free skin in the comforts of your home. The promise of permanent hair removal is compelling, but the question is which method is best suited for you.

There always has been confusion between waxing and laser hair removal device. Can’t decide whether you should swap your hot wax for laser hair removal? Or, you are still relying on shaving to remove unwanted hair.  It’s time to give up on shaving and waxing and switch to laser hair removal. In this blog, we will talk about why laser hair removal is a better choice over waxing.

The procedure of hair removal


In waxing, you apply hot wax on the problem area to get rid of the hair and rip it off in the opposite direction of hair growth.  Waxing pulls out hair from the root. After completing the procedure, the beautician applies post-depilatory lotion to calm and soothe skin, thus preventing rashes.  Depending on the sensitivity of the skin, you may use anti-inflammatory or antibiotic creams to reduce sensitivity.

Laser hair removal

In laser hair removal, a highly concentrated laser pulse with a wavelength is applied to the specific area to remove hair.  The laser heats the hair follicles; when the hair pigment absorbs the light, it damages the root of the hair follicles. This process is known as photo thermolysis. The treated area is then rubbed with cool compresses or anti-inflammatory treatments to reduce any discomfort.

Duration of the hair removal process



Waxing gives you smooth skin, but the procedure is quite painful. With waxing, you don't get permanent hair removal; hair will come back after three to four weeks.

Laser hair removal

With laser hair removal devices like EvenSkyn Pulsar, a DIY hair removal laserdevice, you will get hair-free skin after ten uses only. The device prevents hair from coming back completely.  The device is suitable for full-body use, including face and bikini. The procedure causes little sensitivity but no pain.

Cost of the treatment


The cost per waxing session depends on the salon and the type of area and service you will receive. Waxing is expensive than laser hair removal.

Laser hair removal

Many people think laser hair removal is expensive, but trust us saves you a lot of money in the long run. With the long-lasting hair removal effects, it costs less when compared with the lifetime cost of waxing.

 Hopefully, after reading this guide, you would have made your mind switch to laser hair removal. If so, EvenSkyn Pulsar: At-Home IPL Laser Hair Removal Handsetis the name you can count on.


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