Well-Known Perks of Using At-Home IPL Devices

Who does not like their skin all smooth and stubble-free? No one who we can think of. Be it shaving, tweezing, plucking, or waxing; women can, and will do anything to get rid of hair on their body. However, it can become a bit challenging to take out time for these methods regularly, or to fork our thousands of dollars to splurge at dedicated in-clinic or salon session, that needless to say can be both embarrassing and time consuming. This is exactly where At-home IPL & laser devices like EvenSkyn® Pulsar: At-Home IPL Laser Hair Removal Handset come into action. It is considered by many to be a miniature laser hair clinic that fits in your bag. Hair removal has never seemed this comfortable and convenient before, and its proven safe too - with all global health compliance certifications under its belt.

Not convinced yet? The following benefits are sure to push you to check out this incredible innovation before long:


1.   The Convenience This Device Offers is Unmatched

You can pamper your skin at any time of the day or night that suits you. If you are one of those people who are always engrossed in their work and have the busiest schedules, this device is the perfect choice for you. It allows you to remove hair while sitting in the comforts of your home.

2.   It can Target Specified Areas.

Although ideal for full-body use, the Pulsar: At-Home IPL Laser Hair Removal Handset allows you to focus on more specific areas that are hairier than others. Opt for a clearly-superior choice for waxing and shaving, and get rid of the hair quicker/first that might grow in unwanted places (often quicker and more noticeable than other areas). Needless to say, you can enjoy a completely hair free body, from the face down to the the bikini lines and legs with sessions lasting less than 15 minutes to half an hour.

3.   IPL Technology is Very Effective

Numerous studies are continuously proving that IPL technology is quite effective for hair removal and hair rejuvenation - the Pulsar, luckily packs both technologies and modes! You'll be able to match the results of this device to that of laser clinics if you follow the instructions carefully. However, working your way up levels of intensity is recommended given the power that this device delivers at higher levels.

4.   Pain-free and Hassle-Free

The Pulsar At-Home IPL & Laser Hair Removal Handset is designed and credited for the softness on the skin. Designed in Canada and manufactured with global health and regulatory compliance, this device removes your hair with a mere warm sensation. Say goodbye to the very sharp pain often experienced when being treated at laser clinics that still predominantly rely on traditional lasers that are not as scattered around the target hair follicles as the IPL technology employed by the Pulsar.

5.   The Device Offers Effective Cooling

This incredible innovation has been designed to ensure your safety, with you health in mind & for durability and lasting use. This allows the device to deliver precisely the right amount of

Intense Pulsed Light Energy to the target hair follicles and damage the germ cells around it and gradually stop the hair from completely growing back.


Give the IPL Laser Hair Removal Handset a shot and usher in all the convenience and results that result that come from just a few uses of the Pulsar. This painless method of getting rid of unwanted hair device may be one that you likely didn’t know existed, but one that you will have a thought time passing up given the results it delivers for a fraction of the price of a single laser hair clinic session


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